Elevate offers a series of courses for beginners and advanced participants. Users will be able to engage in brainstorming activities. As a result, the target audience will expand. To facilitate tracking, the system will record some of your basic information. Several dashboards were created to compare the results obtained at different times. Users will be able to enjoy brain games related to math problems and memory. Your brain will be active in the right areas to achieve the desired results. This system uses several methods to help you discover and maintain good habits.
The route begins with a very simple initialization problem. Elevate allows you to gradually increase the difficulty of the challenges and absorb new information quickly. More than 40 mini-games help in this process. As soon as your brain is ready for a new challenge, it will work in sequence. Some quizzes help users improve their memory, concentration or processing speed. Then we look for speed of thought and accuracy of results. These achievements depend on the receptivity of each individual. This resulted in a separate performance counter. Each user has their own metrics for comparing training results. Sometimes, after completing the game’s challenges, the app will give you a skill assessment.
Use individual exercises to introduce users to the game. You will have a clear path of brain development and reflexes. You can join them by making a schedule for each day and period. The app allows users to change the number and type of questions they answer. Of course, all the results are recorded and summarized in a table. After completing the previous objective, the system increases the difficulty. With this brain development roadmap, users will experience new emotions. The system has a total of 150 success points. To encourage learning, the user can earn rewards at each stage.
Elevate’s main goal is to create an environment conducive to brain exercise. Furthermore, the app aims to improve each individual’s ability to connect with society. You will discover and invest your inherent worth. Some vocabulary exercises are also provided to help users improve their communication skills. Common questions include word order, sentence completion, and correct word choice. Human needs will be met to strengthen weaknesses and support strengths. The system will update the curriculum so that your learning process is not interrupted.
Elevate was created with the hope of discovering more super brains. They also hope to improve people’s lifestyles and ways of thinking in this age of technology. This app combines innovative research with simple implementation to reach a large audience. Users will quickly get used to how it works. All information is placed on the screen of the device in chronological order. When you use the touch and swipe commands together, the app will run. We will integrate it with several social networking platforms to facilitate user feedback.